
旅游购物 国内研究现状 怎么样啊英语

小旺 08-17 29
旅游购物 国内研究现状 怎么样啊英语摘要: online shopping的优点和缺点英语?online shopping的优点和缺点?online shopping的优点和缺点英语?online shopping是网上购物...
  1. online shopping的优点和缺点英语?
  2. online shopping的优点和缺点?

online shopping优点缺点英语

online shopping是网上购物意思,优点和缺点可以从以下例子看出:

The advantages of online shopping is you can sit at home to buy almost everything you like, but the disadvantage is that you can't see or touch it before you buy. 网购的优点是你可以坐在家里买几乎所有你喜欢东西,但缺点是你可以在购买之前不能看到或触摸它。

online shopping的优点和缺点?

online shopping是网上购物的意思,它的优点和缺点可以从以下例子看出:

旅游购物 国内研究现状 怎么样啊英语

The advantages of online shopping is so convenient, you just sit down and click, then goods come to your door, but disadvantages is you can't see and touch it before purchasing, it might not like it when you get it. 网购的优点是方便,坐下点一下,货就上门了,缺点是买前看不到摸不到,拿到手可能不喜欢。

旅游购物 国内研究现状 怎么样啊英语

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