
国外旅游景点介绍英语 国内怎么说

小旺 06-04 25
国外旅游景点介绍英语 国内怎么说摘要: 介绍england一个旅游景点用英语写?用英语介绍中国的某个城市?介绍england一个旅游景点用英语写?英国著名景点,必须得说一说伦敦塔。伦敦塔是英国伦敦一座标志性的宫殿、要塞,...
  1. 介绍england一个旅游景点用英语写?
  2. 用英语介绍中国的某个城市?



Tower of London, a landmark palace and fortress in London, is located on the Thames River.


国外旅游景点介绍英语 国内怎么说

James I (1566-1625) was the last ruler to live in the palace.


The tower of London was once used as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, observatory, refuge and prison, especially for upper class prisoners.

国外旅游景点介绍英语 国内怎么说

The last time it was used as a prison was during the Second World War.


It was listed as world cultural heritage in 1988.

国外旅游景点介绍英语 国内怎么说


    Shenzhen is a beautiful city, in the spring there are lively grass, flowers and trees add color to Shenzhen.

   In summer there are lush trees standing straight by the roadside like guardians of the city; In autumn there fresh fruit fragrance, all the fruit are ripe, eat up the taste of extremely delicious.

   In winter it is dry and cold, with little rainfall and a dry climate. But no matter what kind of weather, shenzhen people are writing their own stories with their own enthusia***.

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River flows through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life. 上海是中国最大的城市之一,它也是我国商业金融中心。黄浦江穿过这座城市。在浦东地区有很多新的建筑群和大楼,包括著名的东方之珠。南京路上有很多很好的商店,它是这座城市最主要的商业路。每天都会有很多的旅游者和商人来到这里享受上海的饮食、景点和生活


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